H5mag releases version 2.10.9
Release date: August 8, 2019
What's new in version 2.10.9
Added a new mobile artboard size selector. When on the mobile artboard in the editor, a dropdown with different phone sizes will appear to help you see how it looks in different sizes.
For our corporate users, an A/B testing system has been implemented, allowing multiple versions of the "same" article to be included in an edition. Contact us if you want to make use of this function!
It is no longer possible to add iframes in the source of text or header areas.
The 'inline' option for the display setting has been removed.
The tooltip in the article tree now shows the article link below the article title.
Fixed an issue where custom defined edition theming would not be copied when the edition was duplicated.
Fixed an issue which could cause some assets to be missing after a duplicate or import action.
Fixed an issue in Safari where pressing a key in a locked padding/margin/border balloon field would cause the focus to change to a different input.