H5mag releases version 2.4.7
Release date: June 30, 2016
What's new in version 2.4.7
- The navigation buttons in the magazine viewer have been updated with a new look.
- Assets in the asset list now have a tooltip with the full asset file name.
- Padding in popups is no longer applied to the scrollbar, so that the scrollbar stays on the right.
- You can now set a default preset for popups, without affecting the default preset for sections.
- Presets applied to popups now show their changes immediately.
- The video-popup animation has been made much smoother.
- Fixed a bug where the reader could double-tap the keyboard navigation and loop around the magazine.
- Fixed a bug where resetting your password would temporarily show your email address as 'undefined'.
- Fixed a bug where all images would be modified when dragging an element from the assetlist to the active image-area.
- Fixed a bug where the browser caps-lock or keychain indicators would overlap with the 'forgot?' link of the password field.