H5mag releases version 2.6.1
Release date: November 30, 2016
Version 2.6.1 introduces statusbar icons with a new look and feel! The guides & grids and the artboard switcher have been given a fresh new look that matches the rest of the editor.
What's new in version 2.6.1
The statusbar icons have been re-designed to be more in line with the colorscheme of the editor. The dark gray is used for the inactive state, a colored version for the hovered state and a light version signals the active state.
Fixed an issue where using the 'close' button to close the assetpicker after selecting an image would clear the selected image.
Fixed an issue that could prevent presets from being saved.
Fixed an issue that could cause empty lines to appear between areas when splitting areas.
Fixed an issue where the asset picker would reload slowly after uploading new images.
Fixed an issue where popups from the area tree could not be deleted.
Fixed an issue where the shelf would not display any published editions.
Fixed an issue where tiny SVGs would be converted to gigantic PNG files for Internet Explorer.
Fixed an issue where images would not load when the filename contains a pattern which is the same as the pattern for resized images.